Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Nuts to Mohammed!

Either I have to stop reading "The Age", or religion has to go...

Just to show I'm not biased in my reporting of religious ridiculousness, how could you be, it's all ridiculous, here's one fresh from the Sudan:

A British primary school teacher has been arrested in Sudan, accused of insulting Islam's Prophet by letting her class of 7-year-olds name a teddy bear Mohammed, her school said yesterday.

Please note here that she did not name the teddy bear, yet she has ended up in jail.

What's happened here is that a teddy bear has turned up and being the caring teacher that she is she decided to let the kids have some fun and give it a name. Kids being kids, have all got together and decided that their favourite name is Mohammed, so that's what they'd like to name it. At this point, it's all good with lots of kids with big smiles which is just what any teacher worth her salt likes to see, the perfect result for the exercise at hand.

The next evening Ms. Gibbons was rudely interrupted by the police when she was arrested for having been accused of; "insulting the Prophet Mohammad". The media centre goes on to explain: It said charges were being prepared "under article 125 of the criminal law" which covers insults against faith and religion. You mean it hides the embarrassment you feel at believing in a ridiculously outdated, violent, bigoted, intolerant and lunatic concept such as islam, which is the only reason I can see for such laws existing.

Ms. Gibbons however, was only arrested because all of those kids went home happy and confident enough to tell their parents all about the fun they'd had that day. It was the parents that complained to the ministry and forced her to be arrested. Now think about that for a second and you'll see how twisted it really is.

Religion starts in the home. It was those same parents that took those same kids to the mosque and indoctrinated them with the name of Mohammed. It was those same parents that taught those same kids to revere the name of Mohammed. It was those same parents that taught those same kids that Mohammed is a hero and his life is the model on which you should build your own life. It is those same parents who will probably call their first born male child, Mohammed. Is it any wonder then that when a teacher says "what will we name this little teddy bear", that every kid in the class says "MOHAMMED!"

It's the parents that deserve the lashings here, not the teacher.


tina FCD said...

I was thinking the same thing after I blogged about it. It's a freakin' name!
Side note:I like your recent comment box. :)

Dikkii said...


Plonka said...

Not only is it just a name, but it's a name the kids have had hammered into them, of course that's what they'll choose.

Ta. It is a snazzy little widget, isn't it...:)

Soldierwhy said...

I may be preaching to the choir here, but does anyone think life would be vastly different under a Christian theocracy?

Sure they may preach love and tolerance (unless you are gay of course), but one whiff of power and they'll be stoning the adulterers in the public square before you can say 'Jehovah'!

John Evo said...

Oh, Psychoatheist hits the proverbial nail on the head. The ONLY REASON that these things don't happen in "Christian nations" is that all of the current Christian nations are run by primarily secular laws. You let the religious right take over here in America (worse than now) and you will see a horror show to make Nazi Germany look like Disneyland. This is why I'm so deeply concerned about the Bush/Cheney assault on our Constitution. That thin document is all that stands between us and tyranny.

Good blog, Plonka. I love get a world perspective on atheism. Most of the bloggers I congregate with are Americans. Then again, we ARE the biggest problem in the world and those of us who trust in reason and rational thought have to stand tight over here. I can only hope that more and more of my fellow countrymen will listen to voices from abroad. The arrogance here is overwhelming - but it's not from all of us, so take heart.

Plonka said...


I couldn't agree more. It'd only be a matter of seconds before we'd be trying to avoid the witch hunts, not to mention the rocks.

John: Thanks for having a read...:)

At least you have a document, thin though it may be. Ours only guarantees a separation of state and church (not the other way around, see this one for an explanation), which is why I used to cringe whenever John Howard mentioned "Americanisation". But he's gone now, so I have hope for you guys and personally I'm hoping for Hillary.

Thanks again...:) I guess my perspective is more "prevention" rather than "cure" and I have managed to engage a couple of your more evangelical countrymen and women but I don't think I've changed any minds, but the piont is to keep trying.

but it's not from all of us, so take heart.

I try, I really do. But the problem is that the only Americans I see on a regular basis tend to ride push bikes, wear white shirts, ties and name tags and keep asking me about some bloke called Mormon...;)

But seriously, while people like Sam Harris can make still a decent living there, I think you have hope.

PhillyChief said...

The British are too polite. They should demand the release of their citizen at once. This is absolutely ridiculous.

Plonka said...

Phillycheif: Thanks for stopping by...:)

Ridiculous ain't the half of it, but you're right, they should stomp on it hard and fast but they probably won't. And if it was an Australian, we probably wouldn't either.

John Evo said...

Plonka said: the only Americans I see on a regular basis tend to ride push bikes, wear white shirts, ties and name tags and keep asking me about some bloke called Mormon

LOL! I grew up in that wacky cult. I was a pretty stupid kid and basically bought into the whole thing until I was about 17.

At that point it occurred to me that there was really something wrong with the whole story. After about 2 years hiatus from them, and doing a lot of thinking and reading, it just became crystal clear to me that they, and all other religions, were a bunch of swine turd.

35 years later and more convinced than ever that I was right as a teen. I had several good friends who did the whole white shirt/bicycle thing. I don't think any of them ever made it down-under.

Plonka said...

I don't think any of them ever made it down-under.

I wouldn't be putting my hand up for it. The last time I got a visit it was a stinking hot 37C (98F) degree day. They were pretty stuffed too, so I told them they could raid my stock of ice cold lemonade as long as they didn't mention their religion. They took it...:)

tina FCD said...

John Evo said, "This is why I'm so deeply concerned about the Bush/Cheney assault on our Constitution. That thin document is all that stands between us and tyranny."

Hopefully they will be gone soon. It is scary, especially when I read my local newspaper in the opinion section. I think we have a lot of sheep here. :(

John Evo said...

Sadly true, Tina. The good news is that only 25% of the "flock" is still with the shepherd!

Sean Wright said...

This story shits me. I think I will go and buy a pet cockroach and name it Mahommed in protest.

PhillyChief said...

You guys know that the artist who made those Mohammed cartoons in Denmark or Sweden (I'm an American, it's all the same to me) got himself a dog for protection against those loons who might try killing him? Take a guess what he named it. :)

Dikkii said...

You ever noticed that Mohammed is a common given name in Arabic-speaking countries?

How come this isn't considered "blasphemous"?

Plonka said...

Funny you should mention that Dikkii. My wife and I were just wondering the same thing. Correct me if I'm wrong, but in christian circles it's considered blasphemous to call your child Jesus isn't it?

PhillyChief said...

That memo didn't get circulated in Latin America. There are Jesuses all over the place.

Plonka said...

Phillycief: Good point and one I hadn't considered. But your average black or white christian American wouldn't name themselves after the almighty himself would they? Like Mohammed Ali for instance.

PhillyChief said...

No, it would be a rare thing to see a non-Latino named Jesus. All the rest of the names in the bible are fair game though.

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